Barefoot in Suburbia

Homeschooling & Special Needs, Inspired by the Montessori Way

Montessori Monday January 9, 2012

Montessori Monday

It’s a pretty big week for Miss Bitty Bug–in a week, she turns 3…officially out of “tot school” and into the preschool age.  I can’t believe my little Bug is no longer able to do the Tot School blog hop!  And in just under a month, Monkey turns 5–almost kindergarten aged!  It’s an exciting time for the girls…but now mama’s missing the itty bitty stage–all my itty bitties are now big kids!

The girls enjoyed their first week back to the school room!  Here is their week in review….

The locks and keys work was put back on the shelves--both girls still love this work!


I used cotton balls to look like snowballs. Monkey loved using the tongs for this work, but Bug really just wanted to use her hands.


Bug got this for Christmas, so we put it on the work shelves. She loves this puzzle!


I brought back on the flag popsicle sticks puzzle as part of our World Geography unit on the United States


Bug making a torn paper collage. She loves tearing paper and gluing, so this was a big hit!


Bug using measuring cups and lentils to learn about volume.


Monkey working with the beads


Bug loved this work--using white tempura paint and glitter to fingerpaint a snowy scene


She was really getting into her fingerpainting!


Monkey? She HATES anything that gets her hands messy. She gave it a valiant effort, but hated every second of it. I'm not sure why she even chose it knowing how aversive it is to her, but she did. I think she really just wanted to get to the glitter part. 🙂


I did this work with Bug--gingerbread and gumdrop counting (this was from Musing of Me's kit from last winter)

Monkey with her 100 chain!


Bug playing with the figurines on the geography shelf