Barefoot in Suburbia

Homeschooling & Special Needs, Inspired by the Montessori Way

Montessori Monday March 19, 2012

Montessori Monday


First off, thank you to all who replied last week.  You gave me some good things to think about.  As a result, I have some new blog post ideas swirling around in my head. 🙂  Look for them actually in print on here soon. 😉

Bug and Monkey have been really busy busy this past week, both in the school room and outside.  The weather in central Ohio has been absolutely gorgeous lately, so I’ve been able to just keep the back door open and let the kids go outside any time they want.  Bug is already starting to get a little tan from being outside so much!  You really can’t beat mid to high 70’s, sunny, with a light breeze…before the first day of spring!  There have been a lot of bubbles blown, mud pies made, and puddles hopped in. 🙂

Here are some pictures of some of the other things the girls have been working on.

Bug and Monkey using little plastic animals to make footprints in the flour.


Animal tracks crayon rubbings


The kids traced an outline of a bat with white pencil. Then they used the pin punch to punch holes in the outline.


The kids also learned about beavers and beaver dams. Here, Monkey is looking at a picture of a beaver dam and making her own out of brown paper strips and glue.


The final product!


Matching rubber animal track replicas to the picture. We also named all of the animals. Because we always look for tracks in our neighborhood when we're walking, the kids could easily name some of the birds, the deer, and the coyote. 🙂


Learning about what seeds need to grow. Here, Monkey and Bug were working on sprouting bean sprout seeds.


Working on rhyming words.


Monkey has been *begging* to start having circle time (I think she learned about it from Blue's Clues. LOL!) So, I picked up this really awesome pocket chart from Lakeshore Learning. The kids especially love finding the appropriate clothing for the weather and doing math problems with the gumballs. Bug works on counting and sorting, Monkey works on addition, and Jedi works on multiplication.


Putting pipe cleaner shamrocks into a spice jar.


Learning the colors of the rainbow.


And stacking the rainbow into a tower!


Stringing colored beads onto the rainbow pipe cleaners


Sorting using the leaves of a shamrock


Hole punching with the shamrock


I put some yellow and blue food coloring in some shaving cream to work on color matching. They also used the shaving cream to paint shamrocks.


Monkey has some touch aversions, so she started by putting her hand in a bag to mix the shaving cream.


She took her hand out of the bag to paint with the shaving cream, but she wasn't exactly thrilled about it.